English Summary

Purpose and Objectives

The „Kuratorium für Flugsicherheit (OeKF)“ is a Non-Profit Organisation. Its main objective is to research options and procedures to avoid flight accidents in whatever form. The obtained information with the help of modern training methods is used to support individuals in the aviation sector to improve flight safety.

The OeKF is publishing aviation safety related information and is doing public relations related to flight safety. Also seminars, lectures and courses aimed to improve flight safety are organised. The OeKF is open to co-operate with other organisation with similar goals.

The OeKF is active in Austria. Funds are raised through membership fees, subventions, donations a.o.

On regular basis we organise lectures and courses about different topics for people in the aviation sector, sometimes also in cooperation with other institutions. These lectures and courses are of interest for aviation professionals and amateurs.

Our Flight Teacher Refreshing Seminars are accepted by the ACG. To comply with one of the requirements for prolongation of the teaching allowance you can attend this seminar.

Österreichisches Kuratorium für Flugsicherheit
Non-Commercial Association
ZVR no. 624817479

Ziegelofengasse 18/16
A-1050 Wien

President: DI Mag. Axel Schwarz
Secretary: Ing. Heinz Pfleger
Cashier: Ing. Dietrich Fischer

Bank Account: BAWAG
Account no. 05210-667-085
Bank code 14000

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